Immerse yourself in Ubiety

This latest blog post is our Co-Founder Marianne's introduction to our latest exciting Ubiety venture...

'It is with great joy that I can shout about our wonderful collaboration with 'The Soul Spa' in Bath. This boutique wellbeing practice has been offering meditations and Sound Baths alongside practice rooms with traditional complementary therapies, for the last three years. It has, despite COVID, stayed open as a welcome source of mental health support in the community.

'I first was put in touch with Madeline when I was looking for to offer an innovative wellbeing session at our first birthday celebrations. We wanted to invite people of all backgrounds to experience Ubiety as a product but also to understand its values and purpose. We are a wellbeing brand that reflects Dorothy House's holistic approach to end of life care, looking at introducing self-care into the home while raising valuable funds for our charity. Madeline offered a led meditation and a practical advice workship on parenting and although our party had to be cancelled due to the first COVID lockdown, her spirit stayed with me.

'Last year, when I was looking for pop up space for Ubiety at Christmas, I wandered down the little cobbled street next to the Thermae Spa in Bath.

'The Soul Spa's little Georgian shopfront on Hetling Court really appealed to me and I was sad to see that the little retail business that had nestled in the front of the building had left. I was really pleased to see that the Soul Spa was still going strong.'

'I realised that for a pop up space, the premises were a little off the beaten track but I did marvel at what a brilliant location it was for a sanctuary in the middle of buzzy Bath, still so peaceful and calm. 'Calm in the Chaos', which is one of our key messages.

'I contacted Madeline and was delighted to find out that she was planning a new phase for the business alongside her colleague Sarah. It seemed to me that we had shared values and vision and there was great synergy between us. A short conversation unleashed many ideas and I left our meeting thinking of sorts of possibilities of working together- at the very least our products featuring in their treatment rooms and being available to purchase in their reception area, which was due to be 'Feng Shui'ed soon! A continuation of the calm reached in the chaos.

'I don't quite remember how it just 'clicked' in our heads but I was already thinking of how we could offer Ubiety Spa treatments but had thought this was something for the more distant future- offering something truly immersive and memorable to our customers. Dorothy House's Complementary Therapists offer incredible treatments to patients, family members and carers- our brand was born from the love of aromatherapy and our manufacturer's tradition is pure 'spa'.  As if by magic, Madeline had the perfect therapist for us to work with- Tracie, whose practice encompases many of the holistic approaches to bodycare that we believe in. Tracie already had some brilliant ideas in making traditional spa treatments a more spiritual experience.

'You know when something is 'right' when it just seems so easy to pull together.' 

Another chat and Tracie went away to refine and experiment with her ideas for the treatments, both of us agreeing that we wanted customers to have a multi- sensory and immersive experience, the Soul Spa to our Ubiety.

'In only a few weeks, our three signature treatments were born: Your Ubiety Massage; The Deeper than Skin Facial and the Your Feet with Wings Pedicure- and feedback from Tracie's willing human guinea pigs was very, very good!

'I have to admit that developing these treatments has been quite a selfish process for me. I have had some wonderful massages in my time but I've always missed a sensory element.'

'I might be enjoying the best pressure for my tired muscles, but missing fragrant essential oils. I might think the masseuse is the loveliest human in the world, but deplore her choice of music!'

'For me, the bespoke element of these treatments is key- a consultation with Tracie will ensure that the treatment meets your physical and mental needs and you might not know what that is, until you start talking to her. Tracie, like Madeline, welcomes your confidence, so you immediately can relax into your treatment and be transported somewhere heavenly, even if just for an hour.  

'It's also pretty exciting that we can introduce these products to our customers in way that allows us to 'feel' out demand for the possibility of home use. As a brand owned by a charity we need to be responsible in how we choose what to manufacture- we find that when we are part of a beautiful experience, we get the best kind of feedback to inform what direction we can go in next. If we get lots of positive comments about the different products in our treatments, you can be sure that we will look to provide them for retail, so that you can bring the experience home with you. The good news is that our Birchwater and Neroli Facial mist is an important feature in all of our spa rituals and our Frankincense and Lavender Body Salve provides the moisturising element of the pedicure.

'We've also had some exciting conversations with local businesses who are looking to offer something different to support their staff member's wellbeing. The Soul Spa are offering a 'pay it forward' scheme, where for every tenth session booked by a client, a carer in the community will receive a free treatment. Local businesses, who inject so much into our economy are looking to give back in a way that really benefits their company and staff that is far-reaching into the future. The Soul Spa and Ubiety treatments offer just that. Be sure to get in touch if you think your business would be interested in working with us to provide a wellbeing programme.

'To find our more about our treatments, click on this link.'



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