We need your support!

Hospices are facing unprecedented financial challenges across the UK, closing beds and struggling to fund their core services. 

Despite Dorothy House's best efforts and the incredible support of their communities, they are not immune to this. Rising costs, a National Insurance hike and stagnant government funding which only covers 20% of their total costs, are having a major impact on their financial sustainability.

100% of our profits support the Hospice, so by shopping with us today you can help protect Dorothy House's vital core services now and into the future. You can also donate via their website below.

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Bring Joy to Your Bathing Rituals

Euphoria in a bottle

Self-indulge, unselfishly

Our vegan, UK made, natural body care and home fragrance range generates income for our founder charity Dorothy House, providing exceptional end of life care in the community.

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Summer beauty essentials

Summer beauty essentials

Summer season saviours: Three of our must-pack essentials for your next holiday For many of us, the highlight of the summer season involves that lo...

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Photo credits:

Our professional product shots are taken by Red Forge Studios and Sian Keady of Banah Collective

Our lifestyle shots are provided by Ferla Paolo and Sophie Erin